Slides from my talk at SFSCon 2013

I gave a brief presentation, in English, at

The topics include:

  • An introduction to software test automation and the Selenium project
  • Examples of how e-Government services differ in various web browsers and where the differences adversely affect some services for the users
  • A summary of pre-conference workshops for the project
  • Some suggestions to improve the testing and even the design of e-Government web services
  • Encouragement to get involved in the project.

Here are the slides Testing Web Applications (rev 15 Nov 2013) small

Slides from my keynote on testing mobile apps at SQuAD conference

Thanks to my hosts at SQuAD conference for inviting me. I’ve revamped much of my material on the topic of testing mobile apps. As ever I have lots more I could do to improve the materials. Time and practice will help me do so. As would useful feedback. Here’s the set of slides in PDF format

Don’t Panic Mobile Testers Guide to the Galaxy (16 Sep 2013)c

The c at the end reminds me it’s the compressed version so I could get the file size down to 6MB.

Julian Harty


Symbiotic Relationships between Testing and Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud computing

Here is the revised presentation on Symbiotic Relationships between Testing and Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud computing presented at the Unicom conference in Bangalore, India: Testing SMAC Unicom (revision 11 Jul 2013)

There are a couple of additions to the earlier revision and the slides have been reformatted to make the it slightly better to read.

Slides for my Keynote at the Nordic Testing Days conference, Tallinn, Estonia, in June 2013

Here are my slides for my keynote talk Symbiotic relationships between Testing and Analytics. This was presented at the Nordic Testing Days conference in Tallinn, Estonia, in June 2013.

The material includes:

  • An overview of how web and mobile analytics software ‘works’
  • Calibration of the tools, our understanding and our practices
  • Potential pitfalls of using Analytics
  • How to apply the concepts
  • Some possible assessment criteria

I hope you find it useful.

Presentation on: How to design your mobile app

This presentation was made at a seminar organised by HP in Helsinki, on 11th April 2013. I don’t claim it’s definitive or complete, rather I cover several topics I consider important and relevant based on my experiences working at and with companies who create and develop mobile apps.

How to Design your Mobile Apps (15 Apr 2013)

The material has been released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The Title is: “How to design your mobile apps, by Julian Harty”, if you need to attribute the material.