Preview of material for StarWest 2011

I hope to meet some of you at StarWest in October where I’m presenting a full day tutorial on testing mobile phone applications on the Tuesday and a track session on pushing the boundaries of test automation on the Wednesday.

If you’d like to come to the conference, the web site is

I have made the materials available online and you are welcome to download and use them. The material on ‘pushing the boundaries’ is on this site at UX Test Automation for StarWest 2011 The material for the tutorial is hosted at

One thought on “Preview of material for StarWest 2011

  1. awesome stuff.

    UX on mobile is so enormously important. Users have 30-60 seconds to do something, each screen they might spend 2-5 seconds deciding what they have to do, but that’s it.

    The PDF does not seem to focus on mobile, is that correct?

    Correct this work doesn’t focus on Mobile. You can find some of my work on mobile phone apps at places like I have also contributed to the Don’t Panic Mobile Developer’s Guide to the Galaxy, available online at and other places.

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